ll Dott. Sergio Del Bianco è specializzato in Oncologia Medica.
Si occupa principalmente del trattamento di neoplasie quali tumori del seno, del polmone, dellâintestino e della prostata. Vanta, inoltre, grande esperienza in immunoterapia e nellâesecuzione di test genetici.
Esperto di Targeted Therapy, effettua test genetici e biomolecolari in grado di stabilire quale sia il miglior farmaco piÚ adatto al trattamento del tumore del singolo paziente. A questo scopo, è tra i pochi medici ad utilizzare la biopsia liquida.
Tra i primi ad utilizzare gli anticorpi monoclonali, è anche autore di un brevetto sullâimpiego dellâInterferone nel trattamento medico del tumore mammario.
Attualmente svolge la sua attivitĂ come Libero Professionista presso la casa di cura Sanatrix a Roma.
1983 â 1987: Fellowship in Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Milan;
1980 â 1983: Internship in Internal Medicine, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Milan;
Jan. 2020 â Now: Director, âPrecision Oncology Dept.â – âSanatrixâ Hospital, Rome
May 2015 â Dic. 2019: Private Office, âVilla Mafalda Hosp.â, Rome
2003 â April 2015: Director, Medical Oncology Dept. âMadonna della Fiducia Hosp.â, Rome
1994 â 2003: Director, Medical Oncology Dept. âVilla Mafalda Hosp.â, Rome
1990 – 1994: Assistant, National Cancer Institute, Rome;
1987 â 1990: Clinical Investigator â Oncology Dept, C. Serono Reaserch Inst. – Rome
From 1980: is member of A.I.O.M. (Italian Association of Medical Oncology).
From 1981 to 1983: is in the âBoard of Directorsâ of A.I.O.M.
From 1985 to 1990: is in the âBoard of Directors of S.I.E.I.O. (Italian Society of Endocrinology and Immulogy in Oncology).
From 1990: is âhonorary memberâ of S.I.E.I.O.
From 1999: is member of A.S.C.O. (American Society of Clinical Oncology).
From 2000: is member of E.S.M.O. (European Society for Medical Oncology)
From 2003: is in the âBoard of Directorsâof A.M.O.S. (Medical Association for Management and Organization in Health
From 1998: is Consultant of âSalem Oncology Centreâ â Houston â Texas (U.S.A.)
Dose-intensity study with Epirubicin-Ciclophosfamide plus G-CSF in Advanced and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. 30th A.S.C.O. â Meeting, TucsonâU.S.A., 1994.
Carboplatin (CBDCA), Etoposide (VP-16), and Vincristine (VCR), as first line therapy in Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC): a phase II trial. 15th E.S.M.O.âCongress, Dic. 2-5, Copenaghen – Danimarca, 1990
Surgery plus Thymostimulin vs. Surgery alone for removable large bowel carcinoma. 18th U.I.C.C.- Congress, Seattle-U.S.A., Sept. 1982.
Phase II intensified Epirubicin+Cyclofosfamide in Advanced Breast Cancer. Eur. J. Cancer, 30 a: 1285-1288, 1994.
Effect of natural-beta-interferon on cell proliferation and steroid receptor level in human breast cancer cells. Cancer, 60: 2419-2423, 1987.
Treatment of leukopenia induced by adjuvant chemotherapy: effect of lithium carbonate. Chemotherapy I/82, 26-29, 1982.