Role in Scientific Societies
β’ President of Italian Society DOHaD (Develomental Origins of Health and Disease).
β’ Board Member and Chairman of the Educational Commette of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine (EAPM).
β’ Board Member of the Union of the Middle-Eastern Countries and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies (UMEMPS).
β’ Board Member of the Italian Society of Neonatology (2000 members).
β’ Past Secretary (for 6 years), and past Treasurer of the Italian Society of Neonatology. Founder, past Executive board member and Scientific
Officer of UENPS (Union European Neonatal Perinatal Societies), Italian Delegate Parliament of UENPS. Past Executive Board Member
UMENS (Union MEditerranean Neonatal Societies).
β’ Past Secretary Nephrology Study Group Italian Society of Neonatology; Past Councillor Italian Society of Pediatric Nephrology; Past
Councillor Medical Board Council Province of Verona. Past President Hospital Pediatricians Veneto Region.
β’ Effective member of the European Workhop of Neonatology from more than 12 years, permanent member of the International Perinatal Collegium.
MD degree: 1982 with full marks at the Padua University School of Medicine and Surgery.
Postgraduate degrees: 1) Pediatrics; 2) Neonatal Pathology and Intensive Care 3) Health Organization with full marks at the Verona University School of Medicine and Surgery.
Training: 1981-1983; fellowship at the Pediatric Clinic University of Verona, 1983-1989 grant winner for research in metabolic disease and neonatology at the Pediatric Clinic University of Verona, 1989-1994 Assistant at the Pediatric Clinic University of Verona.
1994-2003: senior Physician at the Pediatric Clinic University of Verona.
Visiting scientist for six months in 1994 at the Bambin GesΓΉ Hospital Rome.
Neonatology, nephrology, pharmacology, infections, laboratory medicine, immunohistochemistry, metabolomics.
Director of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria and University of Cagliari – Cagliari, Italy
Full Professor of Pediatrics University of Cagliari – Cagliari, Italy
Director School of Pediatrics, University of Cagliari – Cagliari, Italy