ll Dott. Sergio Del Bianco Ăš specializzato in Oncologia Medica.
Si occupa principalmente del trattamento di neoplasie quali tumori del seno, del polmone, dellâintestino e della prostata. Vanta, inoltre, grande esperienza in immunoterapia e nellâesecuzione di test genetici.
Esperto di Targeted Therapy, effettua test genetici e biomolecolari in grado di stabilire quale sia il miglior farmaco piĂč adatto al trattamento del tumore del singolo paziente. A questo scopo, Ăš tra i pochi medici ad utilizzare la biopsia liquida.
Tra i primi ad utilizzare gli anticorpi monoclonali, Ăš anche autore di un brevetto sullâimpiego dellâInterferone nel trattamento medico del tumore mammario.
Attualmente svolge la sua attivitĂ come Libero Professionista presso la casa di cura Sanatrix a Roma.
1983 â 1987: Fellowship in Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Milan;
1980 â 1983: Internship in Internal Medicine, Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Milan;
Jan. 2020 â Now: Director, âPrecision Oncology Dept.â – âSanatrixâ Hospital, Rome
May 2015 â Dic. 2019: Private Office, âVilla Mafalda Hosp.â, Rome
2003 â April 2015: Director, Medical Oncology Dept. âMadonna della Fiducia Hosp.â, Rome
1994 â 2003: Director, Medical Oncology Dept. âVilla Mafalda Hosp.â, Rome
1990 – 1994: Assistant, National Cancer Institute, Rome;
1987 â 1990: Clinical Investigator â Oncology Dept, C. Serono Reaserch Inst. – Rome
From 1980: is member of A.I.O.M. (Italian Association of Medical Oncology).
From 1981 to 1983: is in the âBoard of Directorsâ of A.I.O.M.
From 1985 to 1990: is in the âBoard of Directors of S.I.E.I.O. (Italian Society of Endocrinology and Immulogy in Oncology).
From 1990: is âhonorary memberâ of S.I.E.I.O.
From 1999: is member of A.S.C.O. (American Society of Clinical Oncology).
From 2000: is member of E.S.M.O. (European Society for Medical Oncology)
From 2003: is in the âBoard of Directorsâof A.M.O.S. (Medical Association for Management and Organization in Health
From 1998: is Consultant of âSalem Oncology Centreâ â Houston â Texas (U.S.A.)
Dose-intensity study with Epirubicin-Ciclophosfamide plus G-CSF in Advanced and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. 30th A.S.C.O. â Meeting, TucsonâU.S.A., 1994.
Carboplatin (CBDCA), Etoposide (VP-16), and Vincristine (VCR), as first line therapy in Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC): a phase II trial. 15th E.S.M.O.âCongress, Dic. 2-5, Copenaghen – Danimarca, 1990
Surgery plus Thymostimulin vs. Surgery alone for removable large bowel carcinoma. 18th U.I.C.C.- Congress, Seattle-U.S.A., Sept. 1982.
Phase II intensified Epirubicin+Cyclofosfamide in Advanced Breast Cancer. Eur. J. Cancer, 30 a: 1285-1288, 1994.
Effect of natural-beta-interferon on cell proliferation and steroid receptor level in human breast cancer cells. Cancer, 60: 2419-2423, 1987.
Treatment of leukopenia induced by adjuvant chemotherapy: effect of lithium carbonate. Chemotherapy I/82, 26-29, 1982.