Il Dr Allegri si Γ¨ laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia all’UniversitΓ di Pavia con il massimo del punteggio e lode nel 1999 discutendo una tesi dal titolo βEfficacia della neurostimolazione spinale in pazienti affetti da dolore cronico intrattabileβ presentata al 9th Congresso Mondiale di terapia del Dolore IASP e pubblicata su βProgress in Pain Research and Managementβ, I.A.S.P. 1999 Vol.16.pp. 993-998.
Si specializza in Anestesia, Rianimazione e Terapia del Dolore presso il medesimo ateneo con lode nel 2003. Tra il 2012 e il 2017 Γ¨ stato titolare di insegnamento presso lβUniversitΓ degli Studi di Pavia e UniversitΓ degli Studi di Parma in diversi corsi di laurea, tra questi Cure Palliative e Terapia del Dolore.
Dal 2003 al 2014 Γ¨ stato Dirigente Medico di I Livello Servizio Anestesia Rianimazione I e Terapia del Dolore, Responsabile dellβ βAcute Pain Serviceβ per i reparti di Chirurgia Generale ed Urologia e Responsabile della ricerca in terapia del dolore acuto e cronico presso Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo a Pavia.
Dal 2003 al 2018 consegue delle esperienze lavorative all’estero (Regno Unito, USA, Svizzera, Spagna e Belgio) e dal 2014 al 2018 Γ¨ Ricercatore in Anestesia, Rianimazione e Terapia del Dolore presso lβUniversitΓ di Parma.
In relazione al settore ricerca, il Dr Allegri, ha collaborato e collabora attualmente a diversi progetti con gruppi esteri per esempio il Consorzio di Ricerca BackUp, il Consorzio di Ricerca PainOmics e ulteriori collaborazioni con clinical trial in collaborazione con Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Hospital a Londra e clinical trial in collaborazione con Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim in Norvegia.
Nel 2018 Γ¨ Responsabile dellβambulatorio di Terapia del Dolore presso la Clinica Columbus a Milano e Responsabile Servizio Terapia del Dolore della Colonna e dello Sportivo – Policlinico Monza (Monza). Durante lo stesso anno diviene Fondatore Italian Pain Group.
Ha partecipato alla traduzione di due libri di terapia del dolore, nello specifico, βBonicaβs Trattamento del Doloreβ (2002) e βManual of Pain Managementβ β Second edition – Warfield CA e Fausett HJ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2002).
2015: Fellowship in Interventional Pain Practice – FIPP
2003: Postgraduate Degree in Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy, University of Pavia (Italy) (50/50 cum laude)
1999-2003: Postgraduate School in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy,University of Pavia (Italy)
1999: Degree in Medicine, University of Pavia (110/110 cum laude) with the work βEfficacia della neurostimolazione spinale in pazienti affetti da dolore cronico intrattabileβ presented and published at the 9th World Congress on Pain. Progress in Pain Research and Management. I.A.S.P. 1999. Vol.16.pp.993-998.
Faculty member of International Group F1000 (Section Pain Management: Chronic Clinical Section in the Anesthesiology & Pain Management Faculty).
Responsible for Research of Federdolore – SICD (Italian Society for Acute and Chronic Pain).
Member of International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).
Member of the Scientific Board of BEACON Project of Federal Drug Administration (FDA) regarding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and pain.
Member of Scientific Board of Fondazione ISAL.
President of SIMPAR (Study In Multidisciplinary Pain Research) research group (including responsibility for scientific direction).
Responsible for Research in Acute and Chronic Pain Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia.
2007-2010: Scientific Member of Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo in the βDevelopment of Pavese Area in Biomedical Researchβ Project.
2006-2015: Member of European Society of Regional Anesthesia.
2006-2012: Secretary of European Society of Regional Anesthesia β Italian Chapter.
2006-2014: Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Therapy in Orthopedic Postgraduate.
2018 – now: Pain Therapist in the first Pain Regenerative Clinic, “Image Institute” – Milan (Italy).
2018 – now: Head Pain Therapy Service, “Policlinico Monza” – Monza (Italy).
2018 – now: Scientific Head, “M3 Salus Society” (Society that provides multidisciplinary pain therapy services to private Hospitals).
2018 – now: Founder of “Italian Pain Group”.
2014 – 2017: Responsible for Clinical Activity of Pain Therapy at “University of Parma Hospital” (8,500 visits/year, more than 4,000 procedures/year) on behalf of the Director of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy Service – Parma (Italy).
2014 – 2017: Responsible for Unit of Research in Chronic Pain at “University of Parma” including management and oversight of a laboratory dedicated to research in genomics and pain – Parma (Italy).
2003-2014: Responsible for the Acute Pain Service for Urology and General Surgery IRCCS (National Research Hospital), “University of Pavia Hospital” – Pavia (Italy).
2010 – 2014: Responsible for Research in Acute and Chronic Pain, “University of Pavia Hospital” – Pavia (Italy).
2003 – 2014: Responsible for Acute and Chronic Pain for IRCCS, “University of Pavia Hospital” – Pavia (Italy).
2017: Passed national exam, approved as Full Professor in Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, “University of Parma” – Parma (Italy)
2015: Member of the Research Institute Center BioGeNap, research institute in collaboration with “University of Parma” and “Italian Center of National Research (CNR)” – Parma (Italy)
2015: Assistant Professor, Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, “University of Parma” – Parma (Italy).
2013: Passed national exam, approved as Associate Professor, Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, “University of Parma” – Parma (Italy).
2010-2015 β Assistant Professor, Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, “University of Parma” – Parma (Italy).
2015 – 2016: Responsible for Internship in Anesthesia and Emergency Care in Dental University, “University of Parma” – Parma (Italy).
2013 – 2017: Teacher and Responsible for 2nd Level Master Degree in Pain Therapy, “University of Parma” – Parma (Italy).
2013 – 2017: Teacher and Responsible for 2nd Level Master Degree in Palliative Care, “University of Parma” – Parma (Italy).
2013 – 2014: Teacher of Nursing in Critical Care, Nursing University, “University of Parma” – Parma (Italy).
2012 – 2014: Teacher of Emergency and Critical Care in the following courses: Dental Care; Biomedical Technician; Technician in Radiology; Dietology; Techinician in Orthopedics; Technician in Neurophysiopathology; Technician in Cardiovascular Surgery.
2015: Referee of Medical Research Council (Regno Unito) del MRC Research Grants Board per valutazione di progetti di ricerca.
2014 – 2018: Assistant Professor, Department Surgical Sciences, Section of Anesthesiology Intensive Care and Pain Therapy, University of Parma (Italy).
2014 – 2018: Anesthesia Intensive Care and Pain Therapy Department, “University of Parma Hospital”, Parma (Italy).
2010 – 2014: Assistant Professor, Department of Resuscitation and Organ Transplantation Surgery Sciences, Section of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, Medicine University, “University of Pavia” – Pavia (Italy).
2008: Research conducted at βPain Clinic Inselspitalβ Bern (Switzerland) and at βPain Clinic Massachussets General Hospital β Harvard Medical Schoolβ Boston (USA).
2003-2014: Worked in the Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Unit, “Policlinico S. Matteo I.R.C.C.S. Foundation of Pavia”, Pavia (Italy).
2003: Research conducted at βPain Clinic Hospital del Marβ Barcelona (Spain) and at βPain Clinic Hospital Maria Midddalaresβ Sint Niklaas (Belgium).
2003: Participation in βTeorical- Practice Master in diagnosis and therapy of painβ Centro Studi Fondazione Maugeri, Pavia (Italy).
1999-2003: Clinical research in βPain Therapy Unitβ Fondazione IRCCS Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia (Italy).
All research activities have been conducted utilizing a translational approach to discover new personalized medicine approaches in the following areas:
– Low back pain
– Neuropathic pain
– Spinal cord stimulation and pain
– Chronic postoperative pain
– Genomics and pharmacogenetics in acute/chronic pain: I have enrolled more than 2,000 patients in genomics clinical trials
– New clinical and laboratory biomarkers of pain and for pain diagnosis”
Author of 105 full lenght papers in peer review journals.
H index 20 (web of science/Scopus), Impact factor 260.