Klinik Sankt Moritz

the first fully-digital clinic in the world

In a digital world, the Digital Twin is the heart of a digital clinic

Ever thought about how much information you track about your body every day?
You log your runs on an app, record your workouts, jot down your blood pressure twice a day, weigh yourself every morning, and keep count of how much water you drink.

Now, add your heart rate, an atrial fibrillation alert, and sleep hours into the mix.

All these data points, securely collected in a clinical cloud, come together to create your Digital Twin – a real-time digital snapshot of your health, always available to support you.

Everything you do today to monitor your body – we digitalise it.
No more scattered notes or disconnected apps. We transform every health-related detail into a structured digital format, giving you a complete and always-accessible view of your well-being.

Your health goals will be studied down to the molecular level to develop the customised protocol that suits them the most.

We gather daily data from multiple devices and combine it with molecular medicine insights.
Through artificial intelligence, we detect future health risks and suggest the best lifestyle choices tailored to your body’s needs at any given moment. A personalised approach built around your health data.

Our Digital Twins deliver 4P medicine: Predictive, Preventive, Personalised and Participatory.

The combination of health analysis devices, clinical protocols, and expert medical guidance creates an advanced monitoring system.
It’s not just technology – it’s a new personalised health protocol. Here are some real-world examples of how we turn data into meaningful health solutions.

Explore our bundles to know more.


/Longevity, best lifestyle


Improve your lifestyle for a longer
and healthier life
/sport, over 40


Enhance sportspeople
over 40’s performance
/Hearth, survivor


Keep recovering cardiology
patients monitored
/Diet, molecular


Molecular-based healthy eating

The Digital Twin collects data from Devices & Apps

There are three main data sources: Devices, Apps and Molecular Medicine
The Digital Twin collects your epigenetic data and becomes the logbook of your lifestyle. Data come from Devices, Apps, molecular medicine, test and medical records.

In real-time or delayed, Artificial Intelligence systems, Physicians and scientists, next to you or from remote, constantly verify that your digital biomarkers align with your goals.

Furthermore, the continuous data collection allows the search for new digital biomarkers and the inclusion of new ones to enhance predictive capacity.

Longevity Unlocked: The Power of Lifestyle Choices over Epigenetics

Your height is genetics. Your weight is epigenetics.
There is nothing you can do to modify your height, but your lifestyle totally affects your weight.
86% of diseases are due to epigenetics. Epigenetics is also defined as lifestyle. The Digital Twin automatically records your lifestyle without any effort. It's time to become the hero of yourself.

At the beginning of our journey, our aim was to fight sudden death.

There is no such thing as a sudden illness. Over 80% of diseases are easily preventable. The only obstacle in your way to get them prevented is not taking action.
A Digital Twin for every need
Our doctors are well aware of the potential of the Digital Twin and are updated monthly on new developments. They can create personalised solutions to improve your lifestyle and support your epigenetics.
The Digital Twin in your home
Not only do we send it to your home, but we also have a global network of autonomous certified MedTech Specialists that you can contact at any time, ready to come to your residence.